The Performance Festival LINE UP ACTION emerged in 2010 on the IC  Zero Association curated by the artist and performer António Azenha.

LINE UP ACTION festival proposes to establish a recurring event in Portugal reference within the performance art.
This artistic expression born in the interstices of the vanguards and neo-avantguards of the
XX century, definitely asserting itself in the decades of 60/70. To date, the transdisciplinary nature, contingent and untimely of performance art has continued to evolve and mutate, dialoguing with a huge diversity of speeches and media.
The emergence of digital culture and the changes that occurred with the advance of globalization give to this expressive tradition a unique ability to process both the technological saturation
and the  contemporary territorial epistemic movements. The inclusive nature of multimedia and performance is now shown in the transactions that this interdisciplinary art carries, between theater, poetry, dance, music, cinema, video art and arts. This diversity is reflected in a vast archive of genres and languages, the tradition of live art happening to digital performativity.
It is precisely this latter context that, in partnership with the
FONLAD Festival, it is presented an exhibition of video art, in which the subject is the performance benchmark - seen in its various aspects -  and an interactive performance online simultaneously held by António Azenha in Coimbra, and Francesca Fini in Rome.

November 24, 2012
Space for Arts, Multimedia and Performance - Coimbra - Portugal

Curator: António Azenha
Support: FONLAD FEstival, Celeste Prize, VideoLab Project, Alliance Française de Coimbra
IC Zero Association 


The term digital performance can generally be defined as consisting of all types of performance where computer technologies have taken the lead in turn to an assist content, technical, aesthetic or forms of delivery. Performance typically exploit digital representations of subliminal dreams and fantasy worlds (Wikipedia).
The body as an artistic concept suffers from the late 50's a launch in several directions. While some works the idea of unification of art and life (John Cage, Joseph Beuyes, Fluxus), other performance artists develop a project, regardless of causality, consider the human body as an aesthetic material, a projection surface and indicator of mental
states. The video as a technical mean becomes an element of constructive action: recording, such as the transmission of data on a monitor, allow the dematerialization of the body and its real brilliance in new images (Vito Acconci, Bruce Nauman).

Alessandro Amaducci  (Italy), Claudio Rivetti (Italy), Dave Farham  (UK), Eleonora Manca (Italy), Elena Tagliapietra (Italy), Laura Jean Healey (UK), Lawrence Mesich (United States) Leonid Dutov (Russia), Minimal Baroque (Italy), Missirkov / Bogdanov (Bulgaria), Pablo Fernandez (Spain), Sahar Markus  (Israel), Sai Hua Kuan (Singapore), Stefano Sbrulli  (Italy), Viktor Fucek (Slovakia).
Curator: José Vieira


For the first time in Coimbra, the Festival Line Up Action and FONLAD present an intercontinental scale event: a performance held simultaneously in Rome and Coimbra. The performers: Antonio Azenha and Francesca Fini.
Both performances will begin at the same time - 19.00 - in two different locations: the Space of Media Arts and Performance at Alliance Française of Coimbra and the Studio of Francesca Fini in Rome.
Through the internet, the two performers begin a performance in which communicate by gestures and sounds in real time responding to gestures / teasing each other.

António Azenha is an artist and performer, Master in
Aesthetics Communication by EUAC (University Art School of Coimbra). Curator of the Festival Line Up Action,  he participated in several international exhibitions and events. Also held performances in Coimbra, Guarda, Madeira, Lisbon and Guimarães, among others.

Francesca Fini was born, lives and works in Rome. He holds a BA in graphic arts at Insttuto European Design. Regularly works in video art, multimedia and performance since 2000. Among the many events and festivals she attended, highlights the Magmart (IT), Videoholica (BLG), Directors Lounge (DE), FONLAD (PT), Miden (GR), Proyector (ES), etc..

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